Friday, January 11, 2008

just like that

Yup. I can see how one could relate the Holocaust to the smoking ban. And the government is rounding up smokers and tossing into concentration camps, I mean happy camps. Boo hoo. Cry me a river. Go smoke somewhere else.

See? Something good came from all that. I mean, snow in Baghdad. It's like a portent of things to come. Democracy = snow.

Huh. Didn't think there was that much to the business. OK, so the blacks could probably only afford it by paying less. And the discount to repeat customers is not a new idea. I was shocked though to see that having a pimp actually increased their annual income, but I guess that's what happens when you have someone to regulate and enforce prices. This I didn't believe but I guess since there's all sorts of kinky stuff out on the Internet (I've heard) that this wouldn't be far behind. I watch porn for the storylines and masterful directing, just like I read Playboy for the articles.

It's sad because she was innocent. Still, I've got to make fun of the dad because he'll be dead soon. Dude, it took you four months to beat up a baby? You're weak. And where the f*** is the mother in all of this? That b**** ought to get the death penalty too for letting this s*** happen in the first place. Four months!

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

it's elaine heiby all over again.

except she didn't print t-shirts.