Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Indiana Primaries

You know what I hate about elections? It's not that we're faced with candidates that say they're about change while maintaining the status quo. It's not the idea that we're perpetuating a broken system. Nor is it about the campaign funding that represent major corporations but do not represent the people.
No. You know what I really hate about elections? Preempting regularly schedule programing!!! Stupid elections, it doesn't matter who wins, we all lose. I'm pissed about missing my shows because they're being tossed assigned for news coverage of polling locations. Who the f*ck cares about who Joe C*cksucker and his wife voted for. Is it newsworthy? No. Not a lot of things in this world is newsworthy.

And how crappy my DVR is because it doesn't take into consideration stuff like this. I pay alot of money for my cable and it sucks. Unfortunately, I'm stuck between sucky cable and nothing.


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