Monday, May 12, 2008

sign on the door.

It's like Y2K all over again. This time it's at the pumps. You know, I haven't seen one of those old-style readers in a long time. I'm just surprised that the pumps could go up to $3.99. What I'm not surprised is that they can only count up to $99.99. I see a problem with posting the sign with the price of half-a-gallon of gas. Everyone is going to think that's the price of gas, swamp the place and then complain because gas is full price but displays half of it.

Interesting. Painkillers don't prevent Alzheimers. Hmm. OK, I gotta wonder about how these "scientists" came to the conclusion that taking Aleve could prevent Alzheimers. Derr, these people didn't get Alzheimers so it must be Aleve. Oh, they also drank plenty of water. Maybe that'll prevent Alzheimers. They inhaled through their noses, maybe that's the preventative medicine we're looking for. And they sit on their butts. *gasp* Is that the cure? What really scares me are the warnings that come with Aleve and Celebrex. Gastroinstestinal bleeding? Heart risk? It seems that drugs tend to cause more problems than they're supposed to help huh? Take this pill to help with your heartburn, but it causes your eyes to pop out at random.

Boy burned by the stupid game. It must be awfully boring in Wisconsin. Fun with burning other people.

Well, at least they were nice enough to put a sign out stating what was going on. Maybe a better idea would be to give doseages so you don't drive out nearby neighbors. Although I have to admit that it does seem to be a popular way to go. Cheap for sure. If that was happening here though, you know outraged parents or whoever, would ban detergent or sue Tide.

Wow. Those British girls are hardcore. Bombings? What are they? Irish? ooOOoo. Damn Catholics, always bombing Protestants.

In a bit of celebrity news. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

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