Friday, May 30, 2008

put a fork in me

My friends Bill and Sabrina have been married now for almost a week. Although they've acted like a married couple for at least two years. So, I'm waiting for pictures from the photographer via the married folks, in order to post some. I've got a couple of pictures, but I found it difficult to take pictures because I was in the wedding.
So me and friends arrived late Saturday night and for us drinking starts shortly after arrival. Not heavy drinking mind you, it was late. Eventually, we all headed off to bed and an inflatable bed was pulled out for me. I get to bed about 2:30am, yes, it's early but we have to get up to do some last minute stuff. Of course do you know what time I get up because the puppy is running around and runs over me, discovers its me and wants to play? Oh, about 4am. Then the sun floods the room at about 5:15am.
By about 10am, we're all up and eating breakfast (McD's provided by groom) and drinking beer. Of course we're not just drinking, but we're doing last minute stuff. Setting up lighting in the tent (Darius & I get that lovely honor) and doing sound checks, some rehearsals with and without music. We're also setting up the "open bar" and testing it out.
As far as music goes:
Prelude - Classical Music (i.e. Bach, Chopin, etc)
Processional - Enya
Recessional - Top Gun Anthem
Dinner - Sinatra
Garter - "The Stripper" David Rose
Bouquet Throw - Mission Impossible Theme
First Dance - "Eternal Flame" The Bangles
Bride/Father - "My Girl" The Temptations
Groom/Mother - "Moondance" Van Morrison

Music wasn't the problem. There were no big glitches in the whole thing which I thought wasn't possible. Oh, and it turns out that me and my fraternity brother Tim were the only two single people to show up. Look, had I known, I would've brought a date. But it's a wedding. You don't bring a date to a wedding. That's like bringing a deer carcass hunting.
Also, there was still no clear cut assignment of Best Man between me and Darius. We attempted to figure this out between us. Uh, let's see. Darius got to escort the MOH, carry the ring, and would go on to do the toast. While I had to plan the bachelor party, pick up the tuxes, and do the music. Of course going with the theme of the party, Bill didn't tell us we had to do a toast until the dinner. Ha. Darius was good on his feet and I just stood there like a mannequin.

Since we didn't know where they were registered, Wes and I got them a Top Gun poster (which we ironically got for them before the music was selected). Bill bought the guys in the wedding party, all gigantic beer mugs which we used that weekend. Also, Bill and Sabrina got me a Jack Daniels zippo, which is awesome because if you had to describe me in three words that'd be it. Or Lego Star Wars.

It was a good weekend even if I had a little too much to drink and ended up doing my best impersonation of a supermodel. Pictures to follow soon.

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

"moondance" - that is an inspired choice. i love that song.

post pics!