Monday, July 07, 2008

set it on top

Really? Racially motivated? Splitting a dog in half is a message for??? No, I'm afraid there's a young serial-killer-in-training in the neighborhood. I could see it being speciesist related. You know, like if the suspect is a cat-person. There's also the possibility of some sort of King Solomon-related parable going on there. You know, two kids fighting over the dog so you split the dog in half.

Sure. A drinking game rated 'T' for teen. I don't think I like Pong Toss. Still, I guess you could use water instead of beer. That'd make it healthy right? How about orange juice? Well, I'm just going to have to settle for the live-action version of it.

As if we needed the motivation. It sounds like an excuse to tell women.


damned_cat said...

or an excuse for women to tell men.


Dan said...

oh no. i've given you an excuse. hehe.