Thursday, July 03, 2008

napalm &

Mmm, doughnuts. Not that it wasn't a funny story but I have to wonder what kind of person actually tries to do something like that. I was trying to figure that out; this person had to be a somewhat spiritual person since they believe in souls. Or just a sadistic person thinking that they don't need souls but would like to make a quick buck. Still, you gotta admit that there is a certain amount of appeal to have your eternal soul reside in a pizza joint.

It expresses the hopes, the dreams and the independent spirit? It's money, it expresses capitalism. Don't get me wrong, I think it's kinda cool. Braille on money. What I find disturbing is that only 10% of blind kids know how to read Braille. What the hell? I know there's technology out there that reads stuff to you, but honestly, that's like 10% of non-blind kids knowing how to read out of a book. Wait, now that I think about it... that sounds about right.

Really? You can't see the possible link? Dumbass cops. OK, the connection between marijuana and saying killing 8 people is more of a stretch. Domestic battery, resisting officers, and aggravated battery. Yeah, how do you get a killer from that? Derr, one too many hits is how. Oh, he used blunt force trauma... hmm, nope there can't be any connection to say aggravated battery because that's using an object not normally a weapon as a one. Nope, can't see the connection. Now I could understand how Sheley wouldn't be the top of the suspect list, but to say that you couldn't see any connection as to how he could do that is just moronic and blunt force trauma needs to be applied to their skulls.

This is confusing. I'm a simply person. This is about racism right? I'm trying to figure out why they quote the judge in all of this. His ruling was the least racist of everything going on. Now the commissioners have got some explaining to do. And is it really necessary to file a federal lawsuit to desegergate cemeteries? Well, I guess we haven't come as far as I thought we had. Harris County made out like a thief in this whole ordeal though, $50 a day to store the body? Whew, that's like $18,250 a year.

Yeah. It is funny, but not for the reasons the guy thinks. I mean, who records themselves committing crimes and then posts it on the Internet? Well, I'm going to stop myself there because I really don't want them to stop. Heck, give the police and the courts irrefutable evidence to convict you. Unless you hire R. Kelly's lawyer.

And this has nothing to do with the economy. Nope. Not at all.

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