Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So I believe in math, thus I believe in the lowest common denominator. Thanksgiving plans fell through. Birthday plans fell through. Date fell through. Christmas plans fell through. What is the common denominator? Me. Well, I'm a survivor. I think I'm going to head out to the Grand Canyon. Never seen it, one of those things on the bucket list.

Also, I've re-built the Ski-chair. It is now the Ski-chair Mark II. It's stronger, faster. OK, I don't know if it really is stronger, but hopefully it is faster because I measured out the angles of the skis and tried to balance the chair's weight. Now it needs to snow so I can test this out with friends. Me sit in that chair? No thank you, I built it and I don't trust its construction. I'm kidding. The Ski-chair Mark II needs finishing touches, but I will post some pictures later.

And natural selection weeds out another one. Define irony.

And remembering Veteran's Day. For those that gave some, and honoring those that gave all since 2001.

1 comment:

damned_cat said...

wow. that guy really wanted to take his wife with him.

and i know death isn't funny but ... sometimes cautionary tales are, just a little bit. in all their grief, that kid's parents must be just a little bit embarrassed.