Saturday, July 29, 2006


I've got to say this about insomnia, it definitely frees up more time in my day now that I'm not required to divert some of my time to sleeping. Also, I am catching on my tv shows on my dvr. Granted most of the shows on right now my dvr are repeats, but some shows are worth watching over. I've got Grey's Anatomy (two episodes on Thursday nights) and some episodes of JAG I missed when I was in Iraq. Plus, I've gotten used to watching shows with the ability to fast-forward through the commercials. Actually, we were having this discussion at the office. With the wider usage of dvrs and tivos, commercials are becoming a less effective selling tool. Although I don't think it'd be a huge hit in the pocketbooks, I think we'll see a difference. Commercials are going to change and probably be more expensive. They'll start advertising in the actual tivo boot-up or whatever, kinda like the advertising done in theatres. IN THEATRES! I thought that movies were the last sacred ground of commercials, but nope. Stupid media relations people! Oh wait... that's what I do. I'm a hypocrite, what can I say?
Rant, rant, rant.
Preview: your money at the gas station. You'll be surprised. Story at 11.

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