Tuesday, August 01, 2006

listen, i've been thinking

How do the movie executives live with themselves? Crap like Wild Things 3 or Bring It On 3 a.k.a. Bring It On: All or Nothing.
"Nothing please."
I understand the concept of the sequel. Either to continue a great storyline, or to make more money. Usually its the latter, money motivates a lot I guess. Still, when the sequel fails to make money, what are the chances that another installment is going to be a cash cow? I've been wracking my brain all day trying to come up with one example of between the second sequel of a movie was a hit when the first sequel was such crap. I'll let you know if I think of one.


Anonymous said...

Land Before Time VII!

Dan said...

uhhh. usually i don't hit girls, but i may have to make an exception for you. bad zebra.

Anonymous said...

karate kid IV?

Dan said...

ugh. with hilary swank? no. was there anything good about that movie besides pat morita?