Friday, September 29, 2006

it would make my day

Have you heard? Toshiba joins the massive recall of Sony-made batteries. Yes! That's great, I wonder if this laptop I'm typing on could explode on me? That would make an interesting story wouldn't it?
"Well, I was just sitting in my living room when *poof* my laptop started smoking and I felt a weird, sort of burning sensation in my legs. Oops, my laptop burned into them."
Nah, I wouldn't be able to do much now would I? Still, a little pain is sometimes necessary to have an interesting story to tell people.
OK, well, I have to go check and see if this laptop's battery has to join the recall. Wish me luck!


damned_cat said...

good luck?

hey guess who i saw at kiddie photo day on wednesday? rae! um ... can't remember her # or handle. giggles?

she asked me how my husband was. i asked her if her name was jamie. we were both a little confused.

Dan said...

haha. yeah, no luck with it. my toshiba is safe.
why was rae/jamie at kiddie photo day? was there a jamie on saimin?
what did you tell her about your "husband?" see, you've opened this whole can of worms.