Thursday, October 12, 2006

roses smell like poo poo

America is going to hell in a handbasket. A recent article appeared on my Yahoo! homepage, which I'm sure everyone in the world has seen but I'd like to add my comment on it anyway. There's 300 million people in the United States. That's great. Plus, we're working to extend life. That's just great, Social Security is circling the drain, there's an "unusual" amount of teen pregnancies, and we leave no child behind.
Yay for us. A bunch of retards running around having more little retards running around us. I'd hate to say it, but we need some more natural disasters. Oh, or a really good serial mass murderer. Yeah, that'd be fun to watch on TV. He'd just go from town to town and wipe out the entire population. And the FBI would be chasing him across the country.
Still, the funniest thing I took away from this article was not all of my comments...

"As the US moves toward 400 million people, Americans can be expected to marry later in life, and more of them will live alone. Between 1970 and 2005, the median age of first marriage moved from 23 to 27 for men and from 21 to 26 for women. Over the same period, the percentage of single-person households grew from 17 percent to 26 percent. Those trends are likely to continue."

OK, first an earlier report (I can't find it) was saying that more twenty-somethings were moving back home because of financial reasons. The not-so empty nest syndrome.
Secondly, I hate compound sentences. "As the US moves towards 400 million people, Americans can be expected to marry later in life, and more of them will live alone." Which at first I thought was weird. OK, so people were marrying older. Fine. More of them will live alone. More married people will live alone? Doesn't that contradict itself? Or when you get married they only count as one, so there's isn't a two-bedroom apartment somewhere with two married couples living there?
Plus, there's always the gay issue that skews that whole thing. That may change the marriage stat. Still, there's alot to contemplate about the next fifty years. Me, I think I'm going to start stockpiling for an end-of-the-world scenario. Or better yet, move to another country.

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