Tuesday, November 07, 2006

now that's what i call acting

Doogie Howser is gay. Let me clarify, the actor that played Doogie is gay. I liked Doogie Howser M.D. with the typing of the journal at the end of the episode. I don't think it was gay. What I don't get is why is being gay such big news? Are people really that stupid? Something like that isn't newsworthy. They're actors, the people that you relate yourself to are characters. The actors and characters are two separate entities. If I think that I relate to his character on How I Met Your Mother, that's it. I don't think that I'm Neil Patrick Harris playing Barney. So who cares if he's gay? If, however, someone were to leak his celebrity sex tape, uh, guess what? I'm not that much of an NPH fan to watch it. I'm not going to rush to download it like the Pamela Anderson ones.
I fear I may have strayed a little off the message. Being gay is not newsworthy people, at best it belongs in the sewing circle. Yes, he admitted it. Great. Of course as I sum up, I realize that by writing about the fact that NPH is gay I am perpetuating the news. Super.

Swarley out!

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