Wednesday, November 08, 2006

who'd thunk it?

Aww, Britney Spears has filed for divorce from crapper (crap rapper) Kevin Federline. This is unimaginable. She's such a good girl, this is only her second divorce. And she lied to the public when she said that she was waiting until marriage to havce sex, which she continued to perpetuate for years. Him, he's a role model for people of all ages, especially those that decended from the trees of West Virginia. At least he's got a future as a... umm, redneck? I've got to say though, at least she hasn't married anyone famous. That would be a disaster huh?

Is this what I've reduced myself to? Celebrity gossip? Egads. I was actually going to write something about the elections, campaigning and mudslinging, but instead, I get sidetracked by stupid celebrity news. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait another two years for my piece on politics.

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