Thursday, December 14, 2006

lips of an angel

I have to apologize for the graphic in my last post. So here it is, "Sorry." Amazingly I had it already stored in my computer but had yet to find a good place to use it. Either in an email to a co-worker or otherwise, it seemed like as good as time as any.
I just have a hard time believing that 190 million Americans are depressed. That's a pandemic if you ask me. Oops, read that wrong, there were 190 million prescriptions filled last year. OK, that's more reasonable. Pfft.
So why are so many prescriptions being filled for antidepressants? People are just lazy, thinking that a pill can solve their problems. Yes, in some cases it can but for years people were doing just fine without antidepressant pills. What's changed? People are working more, eating crappy food and not getting the exercise the body needs. I hate to admit it but I felt better emotionally after our morning PT sessions when I was active duty.
Yes, I exhibit signs of depression and post traumatic stress disorder but it does not affect my life. I still go out with friends, visit family, and all of things that make me normal, but that is completely separate from my private life. I don't take a pill, don't believe in it, and certainly don't need it. I use humor to mask my depression. (No, this is venting, not depression)

Pills aren't bad, but they're not a cureall. Sometimes you just need to go out and exercise. Clear your mind, forget your cell phone and PDAs. Walk, run, lift weights, or window shop but just get out and do something. Your life isn't that bad, somewhere in the world someone has a worse hand of cards dealt to them. Be grateful for what you have not what you don't.

Stupid Christmas spirit, it's infected me too.


damned_cat said...

Exercise is kind of the final frontier for me, but I do agree that "doing something" is preferable to pill-popping. I don't agree that all people who take pills are lazy - some of them are at the very, very end of their rope. But as an anti-med soldier w/PTSD you make a good case for window-shopping instead of Prozac.

damned_cat said...


damned_cat said...

ok, ever since i clicked on the miller lite link, this computer has been blocking every other site as "restricted, sexual content" including my blog. argh. see why beer is bad??

Dan said...


Dan said...

maybe you're blog has too much sexual content?

well, you should be able to check it out from home, it's not hard with pirated internet.

damned_cat said...

Still scratching my head on that one. Is it filtering the word "ass" or something?

Dan said...

filters are weird. maybe the rest of the site is bad so the whole site is on the banned list.