Monday, December 18, 2006

turning japanese

Sweet! This is the 2nd time I've been named Person of the Year by Time Magazine! Yeah, OK, so this time I'm sharing the title with about 6 billion people, but really this is such an honor. Oh! Who to thank first? Well of course there's God, through Him all is possible. And the devil, too, gotta give him props to providing a balance to the world. There's my mom and dad, who taught me everything I know which is both a good and a bad thing. Uh, oh. My times up? Thank-you all!

Don't publish the honor roll in the local newspaper, instead send them a personal letter. Uh-huh. As if their solution isn't as bad. I guess it's the lesser of two evils. The news report said that this was prompted by a student's mother. What they don't say is that student is a D student. Look, I hate grades as much as any other C-F student but we're focused on the wrong thing. Yeah, getting an F is bad, I've gotten plenty in my time. But I got them because I failed to meet the standard. Yeah, I wished they would've gone slower and given me more time to absorb the information put out but they didn't and I failed the class. Boo-hoo. So I took it the next year and guess what? I got a B (in one particular instance). Yes, it would be great if each individual kid had their own tailored education program but the logistics of it all would astronomical. A teacher for each child for each phase of their life, teaching them in the method they learn best, and at their pace. That's just not possible, and even if it was that doesn't do anything for the kid; I think you're just hurting them in the long run and then no one benefits. School isn't just about the knowledge you receive from books, it's about social interaction, and learning about adversity and hopefully overcoming them. It's about life.

Ugh, feeling so drained from being nice. So here's a guy that summed up everything in just two words (and a gesture).

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