Tuesday, December 05, 2006

wouldn't it be loverly?

The Queen has lost her edge. Why can't the English teach their children how to speak?

Tonight on CBS is the Victoria Secret Fashion Show. I'm looking forward to that... for research purposes of course. You know, the latest trends and innovations in fashion technology. Wait, why do I have to justify that? I'm a guy.

If you were wondering what the Top 10 searches for 2006 are, you might be surprised. Maybe not. The overall winner is: Britney Spears. I'm just waiting for there to be an awards show on a cable channel. OK, before I open that can of worms I'm going to stop. I'll just say this, there are too many award shows nowadays. It takes away from the whole meaning of awards.

Moving on. Stacy still needs electrical work done. Wires need to be run, hooked up and devices need power. All of the standard features work, it's just all of my extras need power. The radar detector, power converter, iPod, phone charger and CB radio.

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