Monday, January 22, 2007

i can't believe it's not butter

Tonight marked the return of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip from the winter hiatus. I love the show, it is my replacement of Sports Night, another one of Aaron Sorkin's creations. I'll admit though I never got into The West Wing because of the obvious political overtones. I liked American President and A Few Good Men. The dynamics of the show are familiar, an executive producer that's secretly in love with a lead in the show publicly. Hmm, OK, one of the main characters had a problem with drugs in the past that came to affect him in the present.
So what? I like Sports Night. Like a said, this is my modern Sports Night. Plus it's slotted in an hour block. Rocking!
So what made me blog about this right now? Well, first off, it's Amanda Peet's character's opposition to unscripted television (reality TV) and that she referred to it as "illiterate" programming. Yes! Someone else that shares my views on alternative television.
Then there's the reference throughout the show of The 48 Laws of Power and I hate to say it but Kanye West and I have that in common. I need a shower.
OK, speaking of television. A commercial caught my eye. Big surprise there huh? So, I can't remember what the product was, only that part of the audible disclaimer. Who shouldn't handle this product? Women that are pregnant or that may become pregnant. MAY BECOME? Well that's vague! So anyone woman that has hit puberty can't handle it. I guess menopausal women can handle it and very young girls. Does that about cover it? Just say that.

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