Wednesday, March 07, 2007

back up

Now I don't claim to be a legal beagle or fluent in idiot, but only 5 years? So let me get this straight, you get 2 years for locking up 11 kids (yes, I'm not letting that go) in cages and 2 years for tossing ice out the window at someone. But, if you use a baby as a weapon that's 5 years? I'm saying that some punishments for crimes against minors are just too lenient.

I'm not saying this guy is not mentally retarded, but he sure isn't right in the head. Yeah, it's one thing to kidnap, rape, and bury a little girl alive. It's a whole other thing to assume that you're going to heaven after that. I don't care if he's found Jesus and Waldo. Shoot him in the head (let him go the way of Lennie from Of Mice and Men), incinerate his body, and fire his ashes into the sun.

Listen craterface, if you keep stressing about your pimples it's just going to get worse. I guess I just wasn't all that stressed as a teen. Lucky me.

This article reminds me a lot about the argument of national security. In a sense it does involve national security but only on a larger scale. One could call it a "cosmic" scale. Here's the deal, it'll cost $1 billion potentially track any possible killer asteroids. I think that's being very conservative. I'm thinking more along the lines of 4-5 billion dollars. Still, people don't want divert the money for projects like that. Why? Because it's an unseen threat. If you look up in the sky and see an asteroid coming, it's too late. Then people are crying about "Why didn't the government do anything?" Uh, well, because we didn't want to spend the money. Well, we should've, but how to do justify spending that much money on something that may prevent something that may or may not happen, and if it happens won't happen for a very long time. I'm sure Bill Gates could fund the project with the interest that he's accrued in the time it took me to write this.

Update: the uncle of the 2 kids smoking pot makes some valid points. I mean, those kids were going to smoke pot one day. You want them to get into it as soon as possible. You know what's also possible? They could get shot in some act of violence (like a drive-by or something gang-related) so you know what? Just shoot them now, get that out of the way too. One other point he made too was that the media is making a huge deal out of this. I don't think they're exaggerating things, but making a lot of noise about this.

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