Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm addicted to food Gabby. Yup, if I go without it for an extended period of time I start having trouble functioning properly. Oh, addict in a bad sense. Yeah, I'm probably that too.

I thought they were changing the actual exterior color of the cabs. Doh! OK, that's good then. At least I got that cleared up.

Bring out your dead. This is why I don't eat squirrel. I didn't know that monkeys did though. Huh, learned something new today.

Step One: Shit self. Check.
Step Two: Plunge into chaos.

One of "My Favorite Things" Along with raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.

For Zeb - Dork alert. I didn't think that it was a vulgar slang. Weird. Two things I learned today.


damned_cat said...

you didn't know about the whale wee wee? hee hee.

i wish i could be a dork of jessica alba proportions. i'll have to work at it.

Dan said...

i did, but i didn't think that was real. like one of those childhood myths like the toothfairy or the boogeyman.

you work on it. just don't forget about me ok nerd?