Tuesday, June 26, 2007

or die hard

I laughed so hard when I read this. It's not funny, but I think Happy Gilmore did this story. Seriously. A one-eyed gator, guy with one hand. What? Can't you see the similarities?

See? This is what I'm talking about. Running from the law is worse than just taking your licks. Instead of getting a ticket/fine this girl is probably facing three counts of negligent homicide, reckless endangerment, and a laundry list of things. So she was driving on a suspended driver's license... not a huge deal. Not only does she have to live with the fact that she killed three of her kids, but the 4th one now has no mother. Good job.

I'd hated to see the package this stamp has to go on. Someone has entirely too much time on their hands.

Like throwing gasoline on a fire. Not exactly the best policy for prisoners. *shrug* Well, whatever, they're in Sweden.

It's been two-weeks but I still miss the guy. Speaking of which, I didn't know Matlock was still alive. The things you miss huh?

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