Saturday, September 15, 2007

it's only saturday?

Is it bad when it's Saturday but I think it's not? That can't be good. Must be because of that Not to be confused with A promise to Zeb, I started to peruse through the site. I've got to say. I love it. Seriously. I mean, it's like one of those pictures that you have to be cross-eyed to see. I mean the liking of the warnings in the Bible to a "Bridge Out Ahead" sign? Oh! That just speaks to my heart! Can't you see the similarities? With the "Bridge Out Ahead" sign there are obvious markers that indicate that there is construction going on, and there's always the possibility to turn around. If the Bible is a "Bridge Out Ahead" warning, that's like having the sign in Washington (the state) for the collapsed bridge in Minnesota. That's just great right?
And if it's a truly prophetic, then let it be specific. "A nation to the east will emerge." Oh, wow! Look I'm a prophet! When something that says "Joe Smith, of 134 Main St. Pasedena, California will be killed crossing 34th and Madison in downtown Los Angeles, California on September 9, 2010." Then I'll be impressed when it happens. Otherwise, vagueness doesn't count as prophecy.

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