Saturday, December 15, 2007


You've heard of them but rarely do you see them in print. We've had several discussions in my many criminal justice classes about these dumb laws. Now some of them make sense. I mean, in Florida it is illegal to have sexual relations with a porcupine. Makes sense doesn't it? I don't think it needs to be a law, but it is logical. What I wonder about it how these laws come about... is it because someone does it but since it isn't in the law books it isn't illegal, so lawmakers put it on the books? Or are people electing jokesters that put these laws in? Just find out how many "laws" you've been breaking. I've broken 14 "laws" in Indiana so far.

I'm less scared of a "Pinky & The Brain" situation than I am of just the fact that people are messing around with fear. That's not cool. Fear has been the best defense mechanism for hundreds of thousands of years. The mouse that doesn't run from the cat doesn't live long enough to have more mice. Same with humans.

Oh my God! It's eating the shuttle!

I don't know exactly how glowing kitties are supposed to help cure disease but I'm up for anything.

I see the logical in their argument but I would take it one step further and blame the lawmakers that made it illegal to consume those drugs in the first place. I mean, it's not like the police are out there just enforcing whatever they want, no, they're enforcing laws that are passed by legislation. Yeah! Sue lawmakers! It's not illegal right?

And the Top 100 Sexiest Movie Stars are... well, I won't go there, but I'll tell you this...
Jessica Alba is #4. Natalie Portman is #2. And the #1 sexiest movie star is... Angelina Jolie. Find out where your favorites are.

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