Monday, January 07, 2008

get back

Well, in his defense the baby was crying while he was trying to watch TV. You've got to get that at a young age. Although I'll admit that using a bat isn't the most effective method. It just leads to a circular event, babies tend to cry more when being beaten with a bat (not less) until a certain point. Really though, I think the parents need to stand trial for this too.

29 hours? That's it? Pfft. I did that this break a couple of times. Of course I didn't just watch sports and I got up on my own a few times to let various delivery people in but other than that? That ain't sh*t. Now here's truly a test of endurance. Yeah, I think I'll compete next year, I predict a long year of training but I'm up for it. I may also train and compete for Couch Potato too.

I had the same reaction as Doy Seng. That just makes sense to me. Most of the customers will just have to be carted across the street, don't even need to gas up the car. To streamline things though I think that a funeral home should open up a senior center or vice versa.

I don't understand this. A loaded gun looks exactly the same as an unloaded one. Why did they need to trace a loaded one? Hey guys, next time you get this idea, trace the barrel against your head.

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