Saturday, September 27, 2008

minimally exceptional

Uh, not the best screen-to-stage idea they've come up with recently. Well, I guess they could a screen-to-stage of "Naughty Nurses 4." Yeah, that would be a bad idea. It would probably make a lot of money, but get a lot of hate mail too.

Good to know. Farting = assault. OK, I know the letter of the law on what is consider "assault" but really? You want to set that kind of precedence?

Yes, I can see where an attack would be justified, however, I don't think the student was mentally ill but rather the mother. What the hell? Seriously? You think it's necessary to attack to old people for suggesting that the kid might not be right in the head? Yeah, that'll go over well. I mean, it's not like there are some mental illnesses that are genetics and this is not proof of that point.

That is odd. Not the 1.4 million gallons of water. Not the obscure reference to Ben Lomond High School swimming pool (because we ALL know how big their pool is). It's odd because the dude paid for it. It's impressive, but I can't comprehend it.

I'm not math genius, but I think the reward is less than the prime number they found. Wouldn't it be awesome if the reward was the same as the number found? Bahaha, that'd motivate me to find one. I figure it'll be something like 70 million digits or so.

Aw, that's so sweet. Stupid, but sweet. Nothing says "I love you" like buying your girlfriend breast implants. I wonder if it's job related, you know, something tax-deductible.

Here's an example of minimally exceptional.

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